Objectives of this meeting are :
- information on FP7 calls,
- improve our networking in view of the ECTP Plenary Assembly and of 2008 calls,
- improve our relations with FA Quality of Life from National Technology Platforms,
- improve our relations with ECTP Users Group
- prepare our priorities for further FP7 calls (2009 and beyond)
Agenda of the meeting is organised in 3 modules, so that you can optimise you personal schedule :
October 10 Morning : 9:00 - 12:30 : Parallel Sessions
WG1 - Reducing Environmental Impact
WG2 - Migating Natural and Man-Made Hazards
October 10 Afternoon : 13:30-18:00 : Plenary Assembly
With presentations of :
ECTP FA QoL activities / research priorities
Users Requirements (by ECTP Users Group)
National FA QoL activities
Presentation of running projects
Discussion on future activities of the FA QoL
afternoon 14:00 - 17:00 plenary session
October 10 Evening Dinner
October 11 morning 9:00 - 12:30 parallel sessions
WG3 - Improving the Built Environment for People