Kvietimas dalyvauti E2BA renginyje
Boosting Energy Efficiency in Construction BUILDING UP Workshop
Dear E2BA Member,
We would like to draw your attention on the event organised by the Building Up project in Leuven on October 4, in the global framework of the preparing of the new E2BA Roadmap.
During this event, the final Building Up Roadmap, focused on cross ETPs RDI priorities in the NMP context, will be presented, as well as the links with the E2BA Roadmap.
E2BA Members are kindly invited to participate to this event, free of charge, where they will have the opportunity to exchange with other ETPs' Colleagues interested in EeB issues.
All details and the registration form are available in the event brochure.
WIth my best regards
Luc Bourdeau
E2BA SecGen
Source: BUILDING UP, http://www.buildingup-e2b.eu/
This BUILDING UP project final workshop will focus on the dissemination and discussion of the Building Up Roadmap, which outlines cross-sectorial research and innovation targets up to 2020 and beyond related to nanotechnology, materials and processes, in order to improve the energy efficiency in built environment. It will be held in Leuven, Belgium, on 4 October 2012.
The main target groups for the event are European Technology Platforms, experts, industry representatives, researchers, and policy makers interested in energy efficiency as well as BU stakeholders.
Download the event brochure from the BU website.