Press Release || European Council of Civil Engineers
Athens, 5th November 2012
Prof. Fernando Branco Elected as the New President of the European Council of Civil Engineers (ECCE)
The General Assembly of the European Council of Civil Engineers (ECCE) has elected Prof. Fernando Branco as its new President at the ECCE Executive Board Elections that took place on 27th October 2012, at the 56th ECCE General Assembly Meeting in Dubrovnik, in Croatia. He was the former ECCE National Delegate of the Ordem dos Engenheiros (OE).
Prof. Fernando Branco is a Civil Engineer who graduated from the IST - Tech. Univ. of Lisbon in 1976. He obtained a Master of Applied Science in Civil Engineering in University of Waterloo, in Canada (1981) and then finished his Ph.D. in Civil Engineering in IST (1985). In 1991 he was granted the Title of Agregado in Civil Engineering (IST – Tech. Uni. Lisbon).
At the time being he is Full Professor at the Civil Engineering Department, IST – Tech. Univ. Lisbon, founder and Head of the Construction Section at IST, Counselor and Structures Specialist by the Portuguese Chamber of Engineers (OE), Member of the Accreditation Commission at the Portuguese Chamber of Engineers (OE) and President of the Portuguese Association for Structural Engineering. He is also former President of the Civil Engineering Department (IST), of the General Council of the Foundation for Teaching Civil Engineering (FUNDEC) and of the College of Civil Engineering (OE). Internationally he is also Vice-president of the International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineers (IABSE) and active member of several professional international societies.
New Executive Board of the European Council of Civil Engineers Elected at the 56th ECCE General Meeting
General Assembly of the European Council of Civil Engineers (ECCE) has elected new Executive Board of the European Council of Civil Engineers (ECCE) at the ECCE Executive Board Elections that took place on October 27th, 2012 at the 56th ECCE General Assembly Meeting in Dubrovnik, in Croatia. The composition of the new Executive Board will thereafter be composed of the following persons:
• Fernando Branco (Portugal) President
• Gorazd Humar (Slovenia) Immediate Past President
• Wlodzimierz Szymczak (Poland) Vice President/ President Elect
• Vincentas Stragys (Lithuania) Vice President/ Honorary Treasurer
• Jose Francisco Saez Rubio (Spain) Executive Board Member
• Massimo Mariani (Italy) Executive Board Member
• Nick Zygouris (Greece) Executive Board Member
ECCE Secretariat: Thiras 49 | 112 52 Athens | GREECE Tel./ Fax: +30 210 8623992 | E-mail: